2003iEARNTOP Japanese / English

Youth Press Members!!


The Youth Press Members – Haruka Yoshimi, Hideko Yoshida, Mayuko Shimada, Sayo Iida, and Maki Hayashibara helped our newspaper report and wrote the following beautiful articles.  Thank you!!  Great Job!!  And, their final comment is “iEARN is the BEST!!”  That’ right!!


Children’s Rights

ユースのプレゼン、Moatoz Masariさん(エジプト)の「Children’s Rights」では、内戦中のパキスタンで、10歳前後の子供達が銃を持ち、戦争に巻き込まれているという現実が紹介されました。そういった現実がある今、どう子供の権利を主張していくべきか考え直すことが必要だと改めて感じることができました。

Mr. Moatoz Masari ( Egypt ) gave a presentation titled “Children’s Rights.”  In Pakistan , when domestic conflicts occurred, children of pre-teenage carried guns and get involved in wars.  Now, facing the problem of child soldier, we have to rethink how to defend and empowered children’s rights for world peace.


ボランティアとiEARN / Volunteer and iEARN


We interviewed Ms. Mio Honke who works as an interpreter in plenary meetings.  She started participating in iEARN activities in order to help her former teacher of junior high school.  Currently, she is studying at an American graduate school and engaged in a TV-phone network project that connects Japan and the states.  At the tea ceremony on the third, she was not be satisfied with her work; “I could not explain it well because I myself did not fully understand my own culture.”  Through this experience as press members, we realized that we should not only develop our English skills but also learn our own culture.


 Thank you, Mio!!


United!     The Final Night Festival  


サミット最後の夜。ここちよい風の中、夢舞台野外劇場のイベントでは太鼓の演奏や歌、民族衣装の披露などが次々に行われました。最後は参加者全員で"We are the world"の大合唱。手をつないで歌う子供達とスタッフ達で一つの大きな輪ができあがりました。歌の後は会場中で抱き合ったり記念写真を撮ったりする姿がみられ、次々と聞こえてくる「ありがとう」の言葉に、こらえきれずスタッフの目から涙が。この4日間ユースサミットが全員にとってかけがえのない思い出を与えたのだということを実感できるイベントになりました。

 The last night of the youth summit - comfortable winds, Taiko sounds and songs, ethnic clothes – the field stage was full of joy and laughter.  All the participants made a big circle together and sang “We are the World.” At the end, they hugged each other or took pictures together...  They screamed “thank you”and“thank you”everywhere, and staff members could not stop tears.  This four day summit indeed brought them precious things for their future.  

ボランティアファミリー / Volunteer Family


In a medical care center, Ms. Chiyoko (1st generation), Misayo (2nd generation) and Mio (3rd generation) from the Awaya family are taking care of our health condition.  Chiyoko actively works as a volunteer in various booths, saying “my English isn’t good but I welcome guests with my smile.”  Misayo and Miho said “foreign guests are bright, and it is our pleasure to meet them” with the same heartwarming smiles.  

We Are Press Members!!  Thank You!!



We could complete our daily newsletter thanks to support of many people.  We really appreciate all the help.  How was our work?  Well, we couldn’t sleep…  Now, we can sleep. Cheers for the great success of the iEARN conference!! (Some members were missing at that time unfortunately.)  


We still have a lot of things to report.  To be continued on webpage.  
